Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Sit-N-Go Poker Videos???

I had an idea to post free sit-n-go videos like this one on my poker blog. Potentially, they'd have some commentary with them. Each video would be about 10 minutes and probably go through all the interesting hands of a single sit-n-go or maybe a montage of interesting hands from various sit-n-gos. They would mostly be my own play, but probably occasionally I'd get hand histories from some better known "guest players". What does anyone think of this idea? Would you be interested in seeing something like this?

Note: This video isn't me. This is just a random video I used as a sample. I'd expect much better picture quality.

On another matter, the U.S. Senate is Seeking to Ban Online Poker
PPA Phone March on Capitol Hill Scheduled for Sept. 12 (Today!)

Dear PPA Member:

Your urgent action is needed! On September 12th the Poker Players Alliance with the support of leading poker blogs and forums, PocketFives.com, Wicked Chops Poker and others are organizing a "Phone March" on Capitol Hill. From 9:00 AM Eastern Time, until 5:30 PM Eastern Time on Tuesday, September 12th, we are asking all PPA members and anyone interested in defending poker to call this toll free number, 800-289-1136 and be patched through to one of your two U.S. Senators in Washington D.C. When you call the 800 number you will hear a recording from fellow PPA member Greg "Fossilman" Raymer and then you will be prompted to enter your five digit zip code so you can be directed, free of charge, to your Senators office.

Note: The 800 number will only be active between 9:00 AM EST and 5:30 PM EST on Tuesday September 12.

Key points you should make:

I am voter in your state.
I strongly oppose any legislation that would prohibit online poker, and urge the Senator to vote against such legislation.
Poker is a skill game enjoyed by 70 Million Americans.
The Senator should seek to regulate online poker much like the government regulates other forms of gaming, like lotteries.
Prohibitions dont work. Any legislation that tries to ban online poker will only drive those players underground.
Again, I urge the Senator to oppose any attempts to prohibit me from playing the great American game of poker on the Internet.

The threat to poker is real. Please forward this information to everyone you know who cares about poker and an Americans freedom to use the Internet. We need everyone possible to make their voice heard on September 12th!


Michael Bolcerek
Poker Players Alliance


At 2:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that would be a great idea! Keep up the good work...

At 4:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys take a look to this site www.doingpoker.com, is a really great poker room


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