Friday, August 25, 2006

My Poker Stats (So Far So Good) & Some Really Great Poker Articles.

If you read the four articles I've linked this week, I can almost guarantee you'll learn something that will make you a more profitable player.

I’ve been playing four Party Poker $11 SNGs a night, two-tabling them, and starting two more when both are completed. On the weekends, I’m playing quite a few more. Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve played about 150 with my in the money (ITM) at 45% and return on investment (ROI) at around 19%. I’ve kind of decided, I’m playing too tight when it gets close to the bubble, which is why I think my ROI isn’t higher at that ITM%. Not that I’m at all complaining about those stats, realizing of course that it’s far too small a sample size to be at all significant.

At any rate, here are a few really, really good articles of interest I’ve run across over the past week:

A great article on c-betting by Curtains, one of the best SNG players around.

Avoiding Trouble with AK, another excellent article by Curtains.

A very good, very simple lesson in heads-up play by Raptor.

Theorem of Blind Stealing – A classic by MJ. It had been awhile so I decided it was time for a reread.


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